2012 Bennington Sound Installation

Goto weekly syllabus


In this 7-week course we’ll examine and create sound pieces that differ from traditional musical performances in that they are longer, larger, and/or (more directly) interactive. Topics will include: process music and algorithmic composition; mechanized and computerized sound making; strategies for remote power, processing and amplification; sensors. Students will critique representative works and create their own, culminating in an installation. MCO4150.01 | VA4151.01 2 credits, 7 weeks.


Wednesdays 2:10-6 PM


jfeddersen [at] gmail [dot] com

Assignments and Requirements

  • Class participation: On-time and engaged attendance in all classes – we only have seven weeks! If something serious intervenes, let me know, but otherwise be there and participate.
  • Installation: You will create and install a sound installation by week 7 (4/4). Your project proposals are due by week 3 (3/7) and you will give a progress report on week 5 (3/21). You will also document your installations with a written description, photographs, and a video or audio recording.
  • Critique: In weeks 2-5, students will research and present one work (of someone else’s) to the class. We will sign up for sessions during the first class.

Resources and Student Documentation Space

Schedule Overview

See the weekly syllabus for lecture notes, media, and assignments. Overall, we will begin with more talking, and end with more doing.

Week 1 – Intro / Long


Week 2 – Big


Week 3 – Interactive

3/07/12 : Concept proposals to be presented in class, and due via online documentation or email.

Week 4 – Special topics

3/14/12 : We’ll arrange group meetings based on shared topics identified in the Week 3 proposals (e.g. Using Max/MSP for installation control).

Week 5 – Special topics

3/21/12 : Progress report due in class. We’ll continue the group meetings based on shared topics identified in the Week 3 proposals (e.g. Using Max/MSP for installation control).

Week 6 – Workshop / Individual meetings


Week 7 – Final Presentations

4/4/12 : Project finished, documentation due.
