
Option Explicit
' define constants
const PotPin as byte 		= 16
const FSRPin as byte 		= 17
const switchPin as byte 	= 20

' define variables
dim switchState as byte
dim ADCValue as integer
dim count as byte

Public Sub Main()

	' say hello
	dim i as byte
	for i = 1 to 3
		' use switch to toggle between which sensors to read and display
		switchState = getPin(switchPin)
		if switchState = 1 then
			putpin 26, 0
			' read the FSR:
			ADCValue = getADC(FSRPin)
			' only debug periodically
			if count = 0 then
				debug.print "FSR = " ; cstr(ADCValue)
			end if

			putpin 26, 1
			' read the potentiometer
			ADCValue = getADC(PotPin)
			' only debug periodically
			if count = 0 then
				debug.print "Pot = " ; cstr(ADCValue)
			end if
		end if
		setDisplay ADCValue

		count = (count + 1) mod 25
		delay 0.0
End Sub
' setDisplay takes an integer and sets the appropriate pins to ' reflect the value in the LED bar graph. ' The number is assumed to be the 10-bit (0-1023) result of an ADC. sub setDisplay(byVal x as integer) dim topPin as byte dim i as byte dim pinState as byte topPin = cbyte(cSng(x)/1024.0 * 10.0) + 5 for i = 5 to 14 if i < topPin then pinState = 1 else pinState = 0 end if if (i=11) then 'pin 11 is broken call putpin(15, pinState) else call putpin(i, pinState) end if next end sub sub flashyFlashy() dim pinState as byte dim i as byte ' light the graph up... pinState = 1 for i = 5 to 14 if (i=11) then 'pin 11 is broken call putpin(15, pinstate) else call putpin(i, pinState) end if delay(0.005) next delay(0.125) ' ...and down pinState = 0 for i = 14 to 5 step -1 if (i=11) then 'pin 11 is broken call putpin(15, pinstate) else call putpin(i, pinState) end if delay(0.01) next end sub