SP0256-AL2 speech synthesis chip



Option Explicit
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' This module setsup constants that function as mnemonics for the
' phoneme set in the sp0256. These values are taken directly from
' data sheet for the chip. The allophone denoted as "OR" in the
' spec is labeled "OR1" here, since OR would conflict with the
' compiler.
' This module also contains a set of initialization routines for placing
' various allophones into groups, such as long vowles or
' voiceless fricatives. The initialization routines are all called from
' one main initialization routine. ' Pauses
public const P10ms as byte = 0
public const P30ms as byte = 1
public const P50ms as byte = 2
public const P100ms as byte = 3
public const P200ms as byte = 4
' Phonemes
public const OY as byte = 5
public const AY as byte = 6
public const EH as byte = 7
public const KK3 as byte = 8
public const PP as byte = 9
public const JH as byte = 10
public const NN1 as byte = 11
public const IH as byte = 12
public const TT2 as byte = 13
public const RR1 as byte = 14
public const AX as byte = 15
public const MM as byte = 16
public const TT1 as byte = 17
public const DH1 as byte = 18
public const IY as byte = 19
public const EY as byte = 20
public const DD1 as byte = 21
public const UW1 as byte = 22
public const AO as byte = 23
public const AA as byte = 24
public const YY2 as byte = 25
public const AE as byte = 26
public const HH1 as byte = 27
public const BB1 as byte = 28
public const TH as byte = 29
public const UH as byte = 30
public const UW2 as byte = 31
public const AW as byte = 32
public const DD2 as byte = 33
public const GG3 as byte = 34
public const VV as byte = 35
public const GG1 as byte = 36
public const SH as byte = 37
public const ZH as byte = 38
public const RR2 as byte = 39
public const FF as byte = 40
public const KK2 as byte = 41
public const KK1 as byte = 42
public const ZZ as byte = 43
public const NG as byte = 44
public const LL as byte = 45
public const WW as byte = 46
public const XR as byte = 47
public const WH as byte = 48
public const YY1 as byte = 49
public const CH as byte = 50
public const ER1 as byte = 51
public const ER2 as byte = 52
public const OW as byte = 53
public const DH2 as byte = 54
public const SS as byte = 55
public const NN2 as byte = 56
public const HH2 as byte = 57
public const OR1 as byte = 58
public const AR as byte = 59
public const YR as byte = 60
public const GG2 as byte = 61
public const EL as byte = 62
public const BB2 as byte = 63 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Phoneme array initialization subroutines.
' The phonemes in the sp0256 can be grouped into eight groups:
' Short + Long Vowels, Resonants, Voiced and Voiceless Fricatives
' (including affricatives), Voiced and Voiceless Stops, and Nasals
' There is also a group of R-Colored Vowels.
' The subroutines below initialize byte arrays representing each group.
' The subroutine InitializePhonemeArrays calls each other
' initialization routine.
public const ShortVowelArrayLength as byte = 7
public const LongVowelArrayLength as byte = 9
public const ResonantArrayLength as byte = 6
public const VoicedFricativeArrayLength as byte = 5
public const VoicelessFricativeArrayLength as byte = 8
public const VoicedStopArrayLength as byte = 7
public const VoicelessStopArrayLength as byte = 6
public const NasalArrayLength as byte = 4
public const RColoredArrayLength as byte = 6
public sub InitializePhonemeArrays()
call InitializeShortVowelArray()
call InitializeLongVowelArray()
call InitializeResonantArray()
call InitializeVoicedFricativeArray()
call InitializeVoicelessFricativeArray()
call InitializeVoicedStopArray()
call InitializeVoicelessStopArray()
call InitializeNasalArray()
call InitializeRColoredArray()
end sub
private sub InitializeShortVowelArray()
ShortVowelArray(1) = IH
ShortVowelArray(2) = EH
ShortVowelArray(3) = AE
ShortVowelArray(4) = UH
ShortVowelArray(5) = AO
ShortVowelArray(6) = AX
ShortVowelArray(7) = AA
end sub
private sub InitializeLongVowelArray()
LongVowelArray(1) = IY
LongVowelArray(2) = EY
LongVowelArray(3) = AY
LongVowelArray(4) = OY
LongVowelArray(5) = UW1
LongVowelArray(6) = UW2
LongVowelArray(7) = OW
LongVowelArray(8) = AW
LongVowelArray(9) = EL
end sub private sub InitializeResonantArray()
ResonantArray(1) = WW
ResonantArray(2) = RR1
ResonantArray(3) = RR2
ResonantArray(4) = LL
ResonantArray(5) = YY1
ResonantArray(6) = YY2
end sub
private sub InitializeVoicedFricativeArray()
VoicedFricativeArray(1) = VV
VoicedFricativeArray(2) = DH1
VoicedFricativeArray(3) = DH2
VoicedFricativeArray(4) = ZZ
VoicedFricativeArray(5) = ZH
end sub
private sub InitializeVoicelessFricativeArray()
VoicelessFricativeArray(1) = FF
VoicelessFricativeArray(2) = TH
VoicelessFricativeArray(3) = SS
VoicelessFricativeArray(4) = HH1
VoicelessFricativeArray(5) = HH2
VoicelessFricativeArray(6) = WH
VoicelessFricativeArray(7) = CH
VoicelessFricativeArray(8) = JH
end sub
private sub InitializeVoicedStopArray()
VoicedStopArray(1) = BB1
VoicedStopArray(2) = BB2
VoicedStopArray(3) = DD1
VoicedStopArray(4) = DD2
VoicedStopArray(5) = GG1
VoicedStopArray(6) = GG2
VoicedStopArray(7) = GG3
end sub
private sub InitializeVoicelessStopArray()
VoicelessStopArray(1) = PP
VoicelessStopArray(2) = TT1
VoicelessStopArray(3) = TT2
VoicelessStopArray(4) = KK1
VoicelessStopArray(5) = KK2
VoicelessStopArray(6) = KK3
end sub
private sub InitializeNasalArray()
NasalArray(1) = MM
NasalArray(2) = NN1
NasalArray(3) = NN2
NasalArray(4) = NG
end sub
private sub InitializeRColoredArray()
RColoredArray(1) = ER1
RColoredArray(2) = ER2
RColoredArray(3) = OR1
RColoredArray(4) = AR
RColoredArray(5) = YR
RColoredArray(6) = XR
end sub