I’ve never sought a full-time teaching job, and yet I’ve ended up teaching a lot – I really like it! I love the opportunity to work with bright, curious people, and the challenge of tackling an interesting subject, organizing thought-provoking ideas and technical material in a way that is useful for people.
I’ve created two classes that are very special to me: Energy and Time, graduate classes taught at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. Recently I’ve expanded these classes to undergrad- and online-versions, and would love to continue meeting new students. I also enjoy teaching a foundational class, Physical Computing, to incoming students.

I’m currently teaching:
- Time @ ITP and a 7-week Time Low Res program (new for 2023).
- Physical Computing @ ITP
- Energy @ ITP and an undergraduate IMA version (new for 2023).

In the past I’ve taught:
- Energy @ Bennington
- Sound Installation @ Bennington
- Sustainable Energy @ITP (archives)
- Frameworks for Interactive Sound @ ITP
- Physical Computing @ ITP
- Interactive Architecture @ Parsons
- Code @ Parsons
I’ve also taught workshops for Sustainable South Bronx, Solar One, Habana Outpost, ITP Camp, Eyebeam, and Glide Design.