Intro to Physical Computing [archive]
Jeff Feddersen
email me
Fall 2003 Syllabus

This is an archived version of the site.
Here is the current site.

week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 10 11 12 [thnksgvng] 13 14 | home

Week 1: Introductions/Overview
Friday, September 5

  • Who are we?
  • How/what/why physical computing?
  • Readings for next week:
    • Buxton, "Less is More" (online)
    • Petzold, "Anatomy of a flashlight" (handout)
  • To Do:
    • Sign up for phys-comp mailing list
    • Sign up for shop clean up time - be sure to sign up for two slots
    • Get the class course pack at the bookstore. "Practical Electronics for Inventors", also at the bookstore, is a highly recommended reference.
  • Get the following parts to bring to next week's class:
    • From the Lab supply closet:
      • 220 Ω (Ohm) Resistor
      • 10 µF (micro-Farad) Capacitor
      • "7805" 5V Regulator
      • An LED (Light Emitting Diode)
    • From NYU Computer Store:
      • Prototyping board
      • DC power supply
      • Power connector that can connect to your power supply
    • From Radio Shack, the junk pile, or elsewhere:
      • A switch. Make sure it is a switch that you flip from on to off, as opposed to a "momentary" switch that just stays on as long as you hold it there. Aside from that any switch will do.



weekly notes

Some media art links from Maia:
Studio azzurro
La Fura dels Baus

Week 2: Basic Electronics
Friday, September 12

  • Electronics crash-course: components, schematics, meter-reading.
  • In class: Our first circuit, setting up the voltage regulator.
  • Lab assignment: Electronics. If you've already set up the voltage regulator, start with Step 2.
  • Here are some notes on the ins and outs of the potentiometer.
  • Here's an online soldering tutorial.
  • Reading for next week:
    • Myron Krueger, "Responsive Environments" (course pack)
  • To Do:
    • Attend tool safety seminar


This week I've been working on computer-controlled marionettes for a project at BAM by Clara Williams.

Week 3: Microcontrollers

Friday, September 19


Two ways to connect LEDs for digital output.

Ctheory interview with Myron Krueger: "Human interaction is like flying. It is not enough to taxi down the runway, you have to do it fast enough to take off. In general, computer scientists have exempted themselves from speed constraints. It is as if aeronautical engineers did not think gravity was interesting."


Week 4: Data
Friday, September 26


Week 5: Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) Input
Friday, October 3


The code and schematic from the in-class example.


Week 6: Controlling big switches
Friday, October 10

  • Tech Research Group 2 Presentation
  • Transistors and Relays: switching higher-current devices
  • Midterm Assigned
  • Lab Assignment: Turning on a motor 
  • Reading for Week 7: Pick a project to dissect. We will discuss the projects in terms of their artistic and technical aspects, and speculate (where possible) as to their implementation.
    • Tina Blaine is a pioneering media artist currently working at Carnegie Melon. She created the Jam-O-Drum, and wrote a paper for the last NIME conference discussing considerations regarding technologically mediated collaborative musical experiences.
    • Stijn Slabbinck's scratchbot was in New York this summer for artbots.
    • Ken Rinaldo's Autopoiesis is a flocking robotic installation.
    • Pamela Z performs with the BodySynth.



The code and schematic from the in-class motor-and-elwire example.

A picture of the tip120 from its datasheet, with the pins labeled.

Elam Industries manufactures electroluminescent wire;
Cool Neon will sell it to you.

Check out Morgan's awesome link about crazy homemade electronics.

Row-column scanning diagram.

Raymond Scott, with info on his inventions.


Week 7: ADC Output
Friday, October 17

  • Tech research Group 3 Presentation
  • Analog output: Devices that create analog motion or sound
  • Lab Assignment: controlling servos
  • Reading for next week:
    • Nørretranders, User Illusion, ch. 6, "The Bandwidth of Consciousness" (course pack)


The ranging tutorial. (Does this make any sense?)

Some info from HiTec about servo standards.

Popcorn and Servy.

Here's a large collection of the popcorn song in... midi! (In my version above the progression is incorrect.)

And here's a nice acoustic version.


Week 8: Serial 1
Friday, October 24

Serial examples from class:

The Barbie Liberation Organization switched talking Barbie and GI Joe parts; the original step-by-step flyer for the procedure is here.

The Emergency Broadcast Network's excellent videos are here.

Sonic Outlaws is a documentary about culture jamming including EBN and BLO.

Survival Research Labs built the "world's loudest robot" and the Flame Hurricane, among others.

Finally, robot autonomy: SlugBot draws its power from decomposing slugs. Can completion of the Slaybaugh Challenge be far behind?

Karl Sims is a researcher in artificial life: he evolved virtual creatures to hop, swim, and fight for food.

Actual simple robots have been evolved with the same principles.

Week 9: Midterm
Friday, October 31

  • View Midterm Projects
  • Reading for next week:
    • Petzold, Code, ch. 20 (course pack)


Midterm photos:

Week 10: Serial 2
Friday, November 7

  • Tech Research Group 5 Presentation
  • Serial to desktop: Into Director
  • Lab Assignment: Talking to Director
  • Reading for next week:
    • Hoffman, Visual Intelligence, ch. 7, pp.172-184 (course pack)



The Director serial example.

Week 11: MIDI
Friday, November 14

  • Tech Research Group 6 Presentation
  • MIDI and other control protocols
  • Stop reading. Discuss the final.
  • Lab Assignment: Talking to a MIDI device



Midi Spec from Harmony Central

Data sheet for the 2n2222 (emitter is by the tab).

Max patch from class.

Midi BX code:main.bas, accel.bas

ADXL202 info from


Week 12: Orchestrating Other Devices
Friday, November 21



AD5206 product page (5206 timing diagram, from the spec sheet)

Picture of single ad5206 setup (note, class example used two chips, sharing CLK and SDI lines but having separate CS lines)


(Note: last year the example used a serial chip that allowed midi input to the BX. See the Spring 2003 syllabus for more notes.)


Thanksgiving Recess November 27 - November 29

Week 13: Final Project Workshop
Friday, December 5

  • Present final project design diagrams

Week 14: Final
Friday, December 12

  • Final Project Presentation